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Mortal Kombat 9

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Indlægaf Da Senzai » 25. jul 2010 02:08

Er der nogen, der har opsnappet nogle MK Nyheder fra Comic Con?
Da Senzai
Niveau 8
Indlæg: 9374
By: København

Indlægaf Da Senzai » 15. aug 2010 20:58


Ifølge, så er Liu Kang og Cyrax konfirmet! ( Og Jax, Kitana, Sonya, Kano og Smoke (hvilken er uvist))

Fuck, det er niCE! :D LIU ER TIlbAGE!!

Så mangler jeg bare Sheeva og Ermac, og så kan det vist ikke blive meget bedre!
Da Senzai
Niveau 8
Indlæg: 9374
By: København

Indlægaf pumpking » 16. aug 2010 12:10

nej det er en fejl, informationen kommer fra en spilblad der nævner nogle figurer de gerne vil have med i spillet og det er så de navne et par sider har misforstået som en bekræftelse.

men nu skal jeg ikke kun give dårlige nyheder.
ED sagde at de fleste fra mk3 har store chancer for at dykke op

og mellem den 18 - 22 vil de presenterer nogle figurer til os

edit der er vist også en event den 3. septemper til den 5.

og en mere nyhed:

This PlayStation 3-only collection gathers the first three parts of the Mortal Kombat series on a Playstation 3 disc. These three parts are upscaled to HD quality and are playable in 3D for the best Mortal Kombat experience! In addition, there is a disc that has a playable demo of Mortal Kombat 9, the new Mortal Kombat game that is expected in 2011.

ovenstående information er oversat fra tysk

så er du godt dækket til senzai bliver fedt at endelig at spille en competive mk jeg tror jeg starter med Ermac ,kung lao og reptile 8)
Niveau 0
Indlæg: 42

Indlægaf Deuone » 17. aug 2010 22:15

Ed Boons Twitter: "Excited to show MK tomorrow with 2 more characters & 2 arenas!" :D :D :D
Niveau 4
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Indlægaf Da Senzai » 18. aug 2010 14:29

Det var Cyrax (fuck Ja! En af mine mains i UMK, sammen med Liu, Reptile og Sheeva) og Kitana, der blev fremvist :)

Da Senzai
Niveau 8
Indlæg: 9374
By: København

Indlægaf Deuone » 18. aug 2010 15:36

Give Link!

Ed Boon siger at der er 23 characters med i, mit gæt er det sikkert er alle fra Mortal Kombat 1 til 3, da det tal passer helt perfekt. DLC bliver så nok til Trilogy additions og populære fra senere MK titler, som Quan Chi, Kenshi og Tanya.
Niveau 4
Indlæg: 305

Indlægaf Da Senzai » 18. aug 2010 15:40

GBK667 fra skrev:
Kai and Jarek of course.

Nuff of that joke


Cyrax has his Net Attack back..YES! Also easy to see that he looks way different then Sektor now

Kitana wears her Hair open?
Has her old fanlift move back and looks..damn sexy.


Definitive the Desert from UMK3
Da Senzai
Niveau 8
Indlæg: 9374
By: København

Indlægaf Deuone » 18. aug 2010 15:52

ej det lækkert det der! cyrax var bestemt også en af mine favorit characters da jeg voksede op med Trilogy på N64. Min favorit af de 3 cyborg var dog Smoke, han var så broken :D
det også fedt at se de har fået sektor og cyrax til at se skadet ud som de andre. demoen ved E3 viste sektor ikke nogen særlige synlige skader. men cyrax hoved er helt oliet til på billede 2, ser fedt ud.
Niveau 4
Indlæg: 305

Indlægaf Da Senzai » 18. aug 2010 15:54

Ja, det bliver konge! Spiller du UMK på 360´eren? I så fald må jeg lige adde dig, så vi kan battle. Jeg spiller som sagt Liu Kang, Sheeva, Cyrax og Reptile. Jeg kan dog også lidt med Scorpion, Sektor og Stryker - altså på de gode dage :P
Da Senzai
Niveau 8
Indlæg: 9374
By: København

Indlægaf Deuone » 18. aug 2010 16:11

nej, har jeg desværre ikke :( en skam det blev taget ned.
Niveau 4
Indlæg: 305

Indlægaf Da Senzai » 20. aug 2010 05:58

GBK skrev:Game Informer has just posted an online Article stating that the game is "Built For Post-Launch Balancing". The article states that the game has been designed to accomodate future tweaks and to fix inevitable exploits over looked during development. Their full Interview Transcript with Ed Boon will be available on their site next week.

Yes! Givet de seneste mange MK spil er det nok en super ide!
Da Senzai
Niveau 8
Indlæg: 9374
By: København

Indlægaf TerrificFalcon » 20. aug 2010 08:01

Så længe at de ikke puller en Infinity Ward og siger; "Hurrrrrr, vi kan post-launch balance vores lort", hvorefter at de så ikke bruger featuren...

Men ja, gode nyheder, :D
Niveau 7
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Indlægaf Da Senzai » 20. aug 2010 15:36

Jeg tror, at de postlauncherbalancer der. Hvis, der er en, der er fucking real, så er det Mr. Ed Boon :D
Da Senzai
Niveau 8
Indlæg: 9374
By: København

Indlægaf Da Senzai » 22. aug 2010 11:40

Ed Boon er lige real igen, og spiller lidt Beans on DLC skrev:Mortal Kombat co-creator Ed Boon says that his studio's newest fighting game is being built with better online balancing in mind, letting the developer finesse aspects of the combat after it ship—without the need for software patches.

Boon said at Gamescom this week that the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 fighting game has software "hooks" built into it that will reduce the need for post-launch updates that users will be required to download.

"The past few games, we've had some exploits that we thought 'We'd really like to fix that,'" Boon said in an interview with Kotaku. "With the introduction of online, imbalances become very publicly exploited. You can fix them with patches—and every game has their really powerful characters, like Sagat in Street Fighter IV."

The MK team's last game, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, suffered from that very problem. The game's Superman had a combo that could be chained together infinitely—a frustrating exploit.

"Everybody wants to ship the perfectly balanced game, but when it has been played for six months and beat on by everybody, players are going to find its weaknesses," Boon said. "We're actually putting stuff in the game that lets us 'turn knobs' after the [game ships]. We have knobs that we can turn to further tweak the game once we know everyone has been bashing on it.

"I mean, we can't add a special move, but we can slow a projectile down or speed a projectile up or tweak the damage, just to kind of fine tune it after the fact."

One of the Mortal Kombat team's other post-launch plans calls for "aggressive" downloadable content. Since the 2011 Mortal Kombat will be comprised largely (if not exclusively) of characters from the original 1992 Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat II and Mortal Kombat 3, don't expect too many new faces. Those three games "really defined the vast majority of the characters that were going to be in it," Boon says.

"We know we're going to be really aggressive with the DLC," he says. "That's a great opportunity for either a brand new character that nobody's ever seen before or bringing back a character that was in MK4 or later.

"That's how we're going to introduce more characters. They're not going to be on the disc and you'll unlock it or something," Boon says, citing the sometimes bothersome practice of shipping supposedly downloadable content on a disc, only to pay for an unlock code later on. "You'll actually download the data."

"The big challenge is getting the DLC characters to people who didn't buy them," Boon says, addressing the potential problem of splitting the online playerbase into DLC haves and have-nots. Given that the MK team plans on offering downloadable fighters a la carte, it's a thorny problem.

"We're going to need a patch or some kind of delivery method—and we're still trying to solve it," Boon says. "One option is a free character that everybody gets and get you all the purchasable ones too. If you download a free version of Raiden or whoever, you'll get everything." Other options include offering free fatalities or environments, but it sounds like Boon is leaning toward giving away at least some combatants as part of their DLC solution.

Boon says that the Mortal Kombat team may also follow in Street Fighter IV's footsteps and will think about releasing a version of the game for the PC.

"We're definitely considering it," Boon says. "I've thought 'How many fighting game players are PC guys?' Apparently there seems to be a market for that in Europe. Since we're on the Unreal Engine, I guess it's not that much of a change from the console versions." Those plans definitely sound like they're open to change, as publisher Warner Bros. has only announced Mortal Kombat for consoles.

We'll have more on Mortal Kombat and NetherRealm Studios' future plans soon.
Da Senzai
Niveau 8
Indlæg: 9374
By: København

Indlægaf Jibla » 23. aug 2010 21:08

F'ing awesome combo/gameplay vid;

Niveau 7
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