Ubisoft er startet forfra på Rainbow Six: Patriots

Skrevet af: Morten Skou - 16. december 2013 - kl. 19:37
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Det er ikke så tit at man hører, at en udvikler vælger at skrotte et helt projekt for at starte forfra fra bunden.

Det er ikke desto mindre hvad Ubisoft har gjort med spillet Rainbow Six: Patriots, som ellers blev annonceret første gang tilbage i 2011. Udviklingen havde ellers været godt i gang, men Ubisofts redaktionelle gruppe, synes ikke at kvaliteten var god nok.

Laurent Detoc, der er Præsident for Ubisoft i Nordamerika, har udtalt følgende til IGN:
We had a core team. They had a good vision. They got started, and then the game wasn’t working. So they had to start again. Rainbow had to be remade.

There’s an editorial group in Ubisoft, a big group, very influential. If the game is not good enough, they say it’s not good enough. Most of the time, the team will say, ‘yeah, I know.’ But sometimes they want to continue in a direction where you say, ‘no, it’s not going to work.'

Now they’re going to have the benefit of the new consoles, if and when it comes out. It’s one of those examples where you try, it doesn’t work, you try again. If it doesn’t work, we’re not going to bring it to you.

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