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ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

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ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Dirty Harry » 12. mar 2012 22:45

ADVARSEL! Har du ikke gennemført ME3 endnu, skal du ikke læse videre med mindre du gerne vil have spoleret afslutningen. Så er du advaret!

Jeg har valgt at oprette denne tråd efter folk nu har gennemspillet ME3 og sikkert set afslutningen på fortællingen. Hvad synes du om afslutningen? God, dårlig, fantastisk eller horribel?

Jeg har brugt dagen her efter jeg fik gennemført spillet og har tænkt over slutningen. Personligt valgte jeg Synthesis da jeg følte at nu måtte hele denne cyklus af død og ødelæggelse være nok.

Jeg betvivler dog hændelserne med Catalyst.

Var det hele en drøm? Var Shepard indoktrineret? Var det hele blot en drøm, ligesom dem der er i løbet af spillet?
Dirty Harry
Niveau 7
Indlæg: 2433

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Mike.B » 13. mar 2012 08:04

Jeg må indrømme jeg HADER slutningen, mest fordi de valg man får stillet for sig, gør at alt hvad man har arbejdet på ikke har en S... betydning længere. Jeg er pt igang med 2 playthrough men mest fordi jeg vil se hvad denne secret ending går ud på, men efter dette tror jeg at jeg holder mig langt væk fra ME3 incl. fremtidig dlc for det at man heller ikke kan fortsætte er osse lidt dårligt, jo jeg ved godt at man kan men man bliver lige sat tilbage i tiden først. jeg ved self. godt at dette har hele tiden været ment til at være sidste tur for Shepard men at snyde spillerne for muligheden selv at vælge hvordan den tur skal ende er sq .......
og de 3 valg man bliver sat for er bestemt ikke nogen jeg ville have valgt med alle de valg jeg har truffet igennem ME1,ME2 og ME3

1 du opløser dig selv og tager kontrol af Reapers og "beordrer" dem tilbage til dark space-- shepard dør.
2 du kaster dig ind i en stråle og dermed tvinger alle samtlige racer at, nu skal de leve som en slags organic/sentient hybrid-- tror ikke det er noget de fleste racer ville se positivt på...
Og tilsidst 3 du ødelægger Reapers (som det hele tiden har været planen) men du ødelægger så osse lige Geth og alt andet sentient liv EDI inkluderet. Og efter den "kamp" jeg, har haft med at få Geth og Quarians til at leve og acceptere hinanden, syns det virker som spildt arbejde, plus Joker bliver nok Pissed over at EDI dør, hehe. men meget i ME3 virker Rushed syns jeg. det var bestemt ikke denne episke afslutning jeg har set sådan frem til. det kunne være man skulle prøve med en video blog og smide den på youtube hehehe for det er fandme meget at skrive :)
Niveau 7
Indlæg: 2270

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Killerder » 13. mar 2012 12:08

Synes det var lidt langt ude, at man blev nødt til at skyde Illusive man, jo mindre man havde 100% paragon el. renegade --_- -> hvis man nægtede = game over.
Niveau 4
Indlæg: 374

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Mr. Aggiz » 14. mar 2012 01:43

Jeg forstår ikke helt min slutning. Jeg vælger at dræbe Reaperne til sidst og det starter en videosekvens hvor man ser Normandy flygte fra den bølge af "energi", som ødelægger alt Syntethics. De nødlander åbenbart så på en slags "jungleplanet" på en eller anden måde. Det der irritere mig her er at man ser Ashly Williams komme ud af Normandy sammen med nogen af de andre, men lige inden kæmpede man med hende nede på jorden.

Fra at Shepard bliver hårdt såret og til slutningen, virkede historiedelen virkelig underlig. Jeg var ellers rigtig glad for MS3 på næsten alle områder og synes virkelig de havde forbedret spillet, men slutningen ødelægger nærmest det hele for mig. Normalt efter at have gennemført en MS spil første gang, kan jeg ikke vente på at gøre det endnu en gang, blot med andre valg. Men med MS3 har det været stik modsat, fordi at slutningen giver en fornemmelsen af at alt hvad man udrettede i MS3, var meningsløst for slutningen alligevel.
Mr. Aggiz
Niveau 6
Indlæg: 1878
By: Århus

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Dirty Harry » 14. mar 2012 07:54

Mr. Aggiz skrev:Jeg forstår ikke helt min slutning. Jeg vælger at dræbe Reaperne til sidst og det starter en videosekvens hvor man ser Normandy flygte fra den bølge af "energi", som ødelægger alt Syntethics. De nødlander åbenbart så på en slags "jungleplanet" på en eller anden måde. Det der irritere mig her er at man ser Ashly Williams komme ud af Normandy sammen med nogen af de andre, men lige inden kæmpede man med hende nede på jorden.

Fra at Shepard bliver hårdt såret og til slutningen, virkede historiedelen virkelig underlig. Jeg var ellers rigtig glad for MS3 på næsten alle områder og synes virkelig de havde forbedret spillet, men slutningen ødelægger nærmest det hele for mig. Normalt efter at have gennemført en MS spil første gang, kan jeg ikke vente på at gøre det endnu en gang, blot med andre valg. Men med MS3 har det været stik modsat, fordi at slutningen giver en fornemmelsen af at alt hvad man udrettede i MS3, var meningsløst for slutningen alligevel.

Teorien går på at fra da Shepard bliver ramt af Harbingers laser, så er man indoktrineret og slutningen foregår inde i Shepards hoved.

Jeg citerer en post på Biowares forum:

Byne skrev:Is it just me, or does the entire ending sequence not feel like it fits in with the overall theme of the ME universe? It just feels.... off. I cant really describe it.

It seems otherworldly and kind of unfocused.

And when you talk to TIM, you get those weird black things at the edges of the screen.

I am of the opinion that once reaching the Citadel, severely wounded, and losing blood, Shepard hallucinated most of the ending sequence.

It would explain why the kid was there.

The weird blackness when TIM tried to control you and you tried to fight it could be Shepard fighting against blood loss and trying not to pass out (hence the darkening around the edges of the screen)

It explains how even the crew who were wounded with you near the portal in London ended up on the Normandy, and even why the Normandy was leaving Earth in the first place, its because Shepard isnt thinking clearly, and these are just the images dreamed up by a deteriorating brain.

Also, there is a likelyhood that having spent so much time around Reapers, Shepard is slightly indoctrinated. The Synthesis ending really doesnt make much sense, other than the fact that the little kid seems to think it is the best option. We never get an explanation on how jumping into a beam of energy that kills us will do anything like what it is said it will do.

The Reapers used Shepard's slight indoctrination and confused state as part of a last ditch effort to get Shepard to take himself out of the picture, since they knew that if they didnt do so, Shepard was about to win.

tl;dr blood loss leads to reaper victory

Hallucination makes the most sense, in my humble opinion.

Maybe Bioware will release a DLC where it turns out the horrible endings were all just a hallucination that you experienced after you got knocked unconscious by Harbinger while heading towards the portal thingy, and then you can go on to have endings that actually make sense.

Edit: fixed my weird formatting
Edit 2: Adding a list summarizing the theories that people have come up with in the thread, compiled by Turtlicious:


Thought on the ending:

THE THEORIES. (by Turtlicious)

There are two theories for WHEN Shepard's subtle indoctrination starts, these theories will be numbered, there are two theories when his full blown hallucinations start. These are lettered. Simply pick a number and a letter, or just a number, or just a letter. This way, you can have your special theory.

theory 1 is that indoctrination is at the start of ME3 and that during the whole game every dream is more and more indoctrination. Also, there is an indoctrination device on the normandy, (supported by Vega mentioning a Hum all throughout the game) This is supported by the re-apperance of the RGC all througout the game. People disagree because people believe Indoctrination, (from now on condensed to ID) is not as subtle as that, and would not only affect dreams.

Theory 2 is that it happens on the Normandy, that the child is real in the beginning, but once on the Normandy, you start to get indoctrinated, which is supported by Vega hearing the Hum. The same reasons as above but SLIGHTLY more credible due to the poster of the missing earth child. People disagree with Theory 2 for the same reasons as theory 1.

Theory A is what I like to call the "Ilos Run" theory, that you're ID is full blown on the shuttle as soon as you leave the shuttle. This theory concludes that the shuttle was blown up at some point, that you were buried beneath rubble, and harbinger is trying to indoctrinate you to retrieve the body. It is supported by the dreamy quality of the run itself, and the lack of squadmates following you, soon as the ID gets stronger, you go full on dream mode. This is to compensate for the "Dream Trees" at the very beginning of the run

Theory B is that your full blown indoctrination is not until you get pwnt by the laser. and that at that point you are passed out at the crucible, and Harbinger is doing what he has always wanted, (ID of Shep) This is supported due to the realistic look of the run down the hill.


Parts 1-12 by kyleh619

1. The endgame scenario is Indoctrination/Manipulation from the Reapers (Harbinger) trying to force you into choosing to let the Reapers live. Shepard is not awake during the final sceens!

2. Choosing to control the Reapers allows them to live. Reapers win. They will still exist.

3. Choosing to combine organic and synthetic life: Reapers win. They will still exist.

4. Choosing to destroy all synthetic life: Reapers loose. Shepard lives. Reapers die.

5. Choosing to destroy all synthetic life option is more Renegade in appearence. Controlling the Reapers is more Paragon in appearence. The Illusive Man's choice should not be Paragon colors, just as Anderson's choice should not be Renegade.

6. Shepard awakes at the end of destroying Reapers. But Shepard is not awaking from the aftermath. He is awaking from either after he is hit by Harbingers lazer attack on Earth or after the scene with Anderson and the Illusive Man.

7. Stating that all sythetic life will be destroyed will give you pause; destroying the Geth can force you to a different conclusion. This choice exists for the illusion of choice; the other choices are ment to sound better.

8. Shepard does not awake in the other 2 "endings" because you are fully indoctrinated by the choices you made to allow the Reapers to win. "Assuming Control!"

9. Never trust any child construct, be it a ghost or artificial intelligence, or heck even human. They are just creepy.

10. Shepard awakes at the end because he has broken hold of the Reaper's control.

11. Shepard has spent alot of time around Reapers. Soveriegn, various Reaper artifacts, the Human Reaper, 2 Reaper destroyers, the Artifact from "The Arrival." Its foolish to assume there is not some level of

12. Bioware not only get more $$$ for DLC for the final battle, but big props for INDOCTRINATING A LOT OF ITS OWN PLAYERS! I do not know of another gaming company that has tried to fool all of its consumers, but they look to be the first and reap all of the attention.

13. Look at these screenshots. I believe the 1m1 is a clue, because of how often it shows up, and how human it is, when the ship is supposedly older then the ancients.

14. Definitions:

Catalyst =
One that precipitates a process or event, especially without being involved in or changed by the consequences

A severe test, as of patience or belief; a trial. See Synonyms at trial.

15. Shepard is not wearing his armor when he wakes up in the Citadel, implying that this is a dream.

Deklan_Caine wrote...

I have a couple of observations to contribute to the theory that it doesn't seem like others have caught (apologies if someone else caught these already and I missed it...):

16) As soon as Shepherd "wakes up" after being blasted by the Reaper laser, he's limping. If, as you're playing, you try to look/aim down at Shep's feet, you can't. The view angle get's blocked so that you can't see below his/her knees. If you watch the pace of the legs moving, though, it becomes really obvious that Shepherd is moving considerably faster than he is actually walking, almost floating as it were. At first when I noticed this in the my second play-though I just figured it was designed that way because making Shepherds speed the same as his walk would make the last moments in the game take 3 times longer (and it already seemed to take forever). But if we're rolling with the hallucination/indoctrination theory, then the fact that he's practically floating on his feet just adds more fuel to the fire...

17) The line Harbinger repeated over and over in ME2 was that the Reapers would be "your salvation through destruction." Well, the synthesis and control options are literally salvation for the galaxy through Shep's destruction, buying into a compliance mindset. The only option that leaves Shep breathing is to destroy the Reapers, which has been the point since ME1. All the evidence points to the last sequence being a battle for Shepards mind that is only won when Shep chooses the path that the god-kid tries to convince him not to take.

by Luc0s


Check this footage:

Listen carefully and you'll hear 3 very distinct voices when the Catalyst speaks. Strange you say? It's getting even stranger...
Listen REALLY carefully and you'll hear that the 3 voices are a kids voice, femShep's voice and maleShep's voice.

The first voice you'll hear is the kid's voice. His voice is the loudest and panned in the middle.

The second voice is femShep's voice. Her voice is panned to the left. If you carry a headphone, you'll hear her only in the left speaker of your phone.

The last voice is maleShep's voice. His voice is rather hard to hear because he's almost whispering, but it's clearly manShep's voice. If you carry a headphone, you can hear that his voice is panned to the right speaker.

19) Anderson is clearly killed by the laser

20) No squad members are scene once you're hit by the laser

21) after being hit by the laser, you see shadowy whisps on the floor, similar to the much larger whisps seen in the dreams during the game.

Kitten Tactics:

-The endgame scenario is Indoctrination/Manipulation from the Reapers (Harbinger) trying to force you into choosing to let the Reapers live.
Shepard is not awake during the final scenes.

-Choosing Control - You can not control them, they control you. Shepard says as much to the Illusive Man moments earlier.

-Choosing Synthesis - Allows everyone in the galaxy to be manipulated by Reaper code, like they have done to the Geth multiple times now.

-Choosing Destroy - Breaks the hold the reapers have on Shepard's mind.

-Choosing to destroy all synthetic life option is more Renegade in appearence. Controlling the Reapers is more Paragon in appearence. The Illusive Man's choice should not be Paragon colors, just as Anderson's choice should not be Renegade. The reapers are saying that Destroy is the worst, Control is worse, and Synthesis is the best. They want you to fail.

-Stating that all sythetic life will be destroyed will give you pause; destroying the Geth can force you to a different conclusion. This choice exists for the illusion of choice; the other choices are ment to sound better.

-Shepard wakes up after Destroy, because the Reaper's hold is diminished. Shepard does not awake in the other 2 "endings" because you are fully indoctrinated by the choices you made to allow the Reapers to win. "Assuming Control!"

-The child does not actually exist. He is an attempt to indoctrinate Shepard. Nobody but Shepard ever sees or interacts with the child.

-When Anderson calls for Shepard at the beginning of the game, when Shepard is talking to the child, Shepard turns back and the child is gone. Shepard has been "snapped out of it".

-When Shepard turns towards Anderson after being "snapped out of it", a growl is heard. In the third novel, when Greyson resisted the reapers they would make a growling noise once they realized they didn't have him under complete control.

-During Shepard's final dream with the child, chatter can be heard over the radio about nobody making it to the beam. Shepard is still in London.

-When Shepard catches the child in the final dream, they are both engulfed in flame. Going with the child (the
reapers) means Shepard's destruction.

-Shepard has spent alot of time around Reapers. Soveriegn, various Reaper artifacts, the Human Reaper, 2 Reaper destroyers, the Artifact from "The Arrival." Its foolish to assume there is not some level of indoctrination.

-When Shepard wakes up at the end of Destroy, he/she is waking up in London, after being hit with the laser.

From lookingglassmind:

In defense of the Hallucination/Indoctrination theory: the BioWare/Player Indoctrination Theory

With the assistance of my peers throughout the rest of this thread, I have collated a series of facts that I would like to present to the community as being evidence for a a priori intention for the endings of ME3. Some of this information will not be new to a lot of you, and it may seem downright strange to a lot of you. It does require a strong and disorienting amount of suspension of disbelief, so if you cannot engage in this type of thought process, I encourage you to skip over this post. :) It will hurt your brain. Or make you think that I'm crazy. Likely both. (I'm okay with either.)

With the assistance of countless others' highly important observations in this thread, I sumbit to you that possibility the endings of ME3 represent the highest form of the metagaming experience. The highest form of BioWare's "giving the player choice that matters, from ME1 to ME3". The highest form of player interaction that we have yet seen from a video game. This has never before been attempted by a company, and it represents the ballsiest dedication to story and lore that may exist.

I believe that the endings may be indicative of BioWare attempting to allow the player the real-time experience of what indoctrination would be like. This theory explains (in a highly weird, impossible, and completely insane way) all of the missing pieces in the hallucination sequence, and also explains BioWare's real-world actions (such as
complete silence since the fan sh*tstorm broke in response to the endings).

If you have not been keeping up with the thread, or if you have not read Byne's/Kitten Tactics/Turtlicious' amalgamation of all of the evidence we have accumulated for the originial hallucination theory on page 1, then I would urge you to do so before you read any more of this post. Due to time constraints, I won't be posting all of the evidences that we have located in this post to confirm or contradict this theory: I leave it in your capable and self-aware hands to attain this information yourself. I am posting this as an add-on to page 1, as I don't think it was properly represented there in its entire grand scope.

So, to the meat of the issue:

We have already established as much evidence as we can that 'proves' that Shepard is either hallucinating/dreaming just prior to/immediately after he runs into Harbinger's beam/Conduit. The hallucination/dream sequence has been quite well fleshed out, with a lot of compelling environmental evidence to support it (again, please see page 1 for further analysis). I am going to use this particular vehicle of suspension of disbelief to propose that BioWare's intention during this sequence is to flag the player with as many markers as they can: This current reality playing
before your eyes (the Citadel, the Catalyst, TIM, Anderson) is a reflection of Shepard. It is the product of his/her mind. The meeting with the Catalyst may or may not be rooted in reality; they may meet in some metalphysical dimension, or Shepard may just hallucinate the entire thing. Either way, this theory would argue that it essentially doesn't matter, because what truly matters is the role of the player in this sequence. Your role. The scene is set in a way that urges the player to become aware of things just not being right, of being a place that mirrors (literally) Shepard's experiences throughout the game. The reality presented on the Citadel is an amalgamation of archetypes of every thing Shepard has seen in the series, which this theory challenges the player to understand as being a
direct prompt from BioWare to understand that what is truly happening during this scene is all within Shepard's mind. His/her reality. Under her/his control.

Understanding that the reality on the Citadel as being a cerebral concoction that is entirely of Shepard's creation is
important when we arrive upon the Crucible. It becomes a vital understanding when we are faced with these three, seemingly bizarre and unexpected choices that the Catalyst gives us. This theory submits that BioWare is asking the player to actively question EVERYTHING that happens once Shepard runs into Harbinger's beam. The cost of not
questioning, or making the right choice even if you do?

Real-time player indoctrination. Shepard's literal death.

Think about it carefully. We arrive on the Crucible, and are faced with an archetype of manipulation, the Catalyst. Taking the form of a child that has come to represent everything that is horrendous about the Reapers to Shepard, the Catalyst/Harbinger provides Shepard with three strange and disorienting choices. He first presents Shepard with the option of Destroy, making swift and empty assertations about how it is the wrong choice because it would kill all synthetic life and Shepard herself/himself. At its surface, this seems like the renegade/chaos option, and is even insidiously portrayed in Renegade Red, a direct nod to the Player himself/herself. Directly appealing to your experiences with how the game works. He then goes on at great length about the Control and Synthesis options, portraying Control as the blue paragon/order option. Again, directly appealing to the Player. He argues
that Control is the best option, implies that Shepard is the new Catalyst, and leaves us to contemplate the possibility that we could use it to try and save the people we love; after all, we are Shepard, and we would never become like TIM.

Synthesis is the last option explored, and it is portrayed as a compromise or as being the Brave New Hope for the galaxy. I have a suspicion that Synthesis may actually be the 'perfect' choice, but thatis for another theory. :) (If you're curious, read about the tech-singularity lore within the game, and research humes spork's posts about the singularity within this thread.) Either way, Synthesis smacks of strangeness because it seems so inherently Reaper-oriented. As though it were servicing the Reapers' philosophy more strongly than the other two options.

This moment, when you are standing there, agonizing over your choice? This is your indoctrination moment. This is where, it could be (fantastically and insanely) argued that this is the moment when indoctrination and all of its insidious power becomes as real as it possibly CAN be to the Player. Think about it! We stand there. We
agonize. We freak out about the ridiculous choices, and we wonder (like Shepard would) why we just can't ARUGE with the Catalyst (like Shepard would). And then, as this reality seems to be the only way forward (much like how indoctrination presents a version of reality to the indoctrinated that he/she sees as being the ONLY REAL OPTION -- echoes of TIM, Kai Leng, Saren here), we begin to accept it. Tremulously, we start to make our choice.

If you choose Control, then you, the player -- the one who moves through the game though Shepard's eyes; every choice s/he has ever made in the game has been directly because of you -- have been indoctrinated. It may
have been because you thought you could save your crew, your LI, or that you really could gain perfect Control over the Reapers because you are Shepard. Regardless, you have been duped. Indoctrinated by the game.
Your slow exposure to the Reapers in 2007 culminates to this final choice -- complete and free player agency and determination.

If you choose Synthesis, you face a fate similar to that of Control. It's debatable to me at this point as to whether or not you have chosen to fulfill the Reapers' purpose, but indoctrination is still a heavy possibility with this one. The only reason that I state this with any certainty is because, like the ending we see with Control, Shepard is dead at the final credits.

If you choose Destroy, then the Player Indoctrination Theory submits that this is you, the player, deciding whether or not Shepard overcomes the indoctrination attempt being rained upon him/her by Harbinger/the Catalyst. If you decide this option, and if you have enough EMS to ensure that Shepard has enough real-world time to get through the indoctrination attempt/hallucination -- Shepard lives. We see him/her breathing in the rubble of London streets at the end of the game. Shepard has defied indoctrination. You, yourself, have defied indoctrination.

Does this theory make sense? Maybe not. When we consider BioWare's real-world motivations and risks (profit, losing a large fanbase over the disgusting wretchedness of the endings as they currently exist), then the theory is hard to support. But if, for just one moment, we can let ourselves believe that BioWare may just have lived up to their celebrated philiosophy of Player Choice and Player Acutalization, then this theory becomes awe-inspiring. Is it possible? Could BioWare have sacrificed the potential for safe profits in order to bring the most insane and beautiful gaming experience of all time to its fans? The most unprecedented example of player immersion of our times? Would BioWare have truly allowed the risk for profit and angering a serious amount of their fan population in pure deference to the story, and its lore?

It may explain BioWare's silence on the matter, until "more people have played the game", or until all regions have the game. It may explain Jess M.'s twitter about fans "reacting before having all of the facts". It may.... just may explain these super sh*tty endings in a way that would make BioWare the God of RPGs.

Is it likely? No. Am I reaching, insanely? Yes.

But is it possible?


ceruleancrescent wrote:

Okay so I just noticed something, and I don't know if it's been pointed out yet, so if it has, I'm sorry I don't remember reading it on this thread.

Anyways, during the god child scene this is what we see


and this is what we seen when the Crucible is being connected to the Citadel


red circle is the connecting point of the Crucible, as the connected end is a spherical shape, not flat, as seen in the second picture with the red circle. The green circle is the Citadel connecting point to the Crucible (ignore the yellow circle in the second picture).

Seeing that, we can see that the part that Shepard is standing on is definately part of the why is there the human numbers and letters such as 1M1 on structures in the citadel, a site we've never seen before?


Also looking at the structures that are used for Control (blue) and Destroy (red) are already on the Citadel


They appear not to be directly connected to the Crucible, as it looks like the Crucible and the Citadel are connected only by the blue stream of light (purple circle). The options to control or destroy were implimented on the citadel, and not made through the Crucible.

So the reapers, that created the citadel so many years ago, foresaw that over the many cycles, organics would be able to design and eventually create a weapon that would be capable of destroying them? Why would they create that possibility? Also, since the god child said that Shepard was "the first organic" there, it doesn't seem as if one of the species in the many cycles created it themselves, especially since the keepers would probably change it.

Just a thought.

EDIT: It just seems more dream/hallucination like to me, as if Shepard's mind is trying to make sense of things and not very well. Or it is an extreme oversight...IDK

Dirty Harry
Niveau 7
Indlæg: 2433

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Fire-Jolle » 14. mar 2012 11:02

Har tænkt meget over slutningen siden jeg blev færdig i lørdags, og ovenstående teori omkring Shepard er indoktrineret, synes jeg er spændende. Den vogn hopper jeg med på. Men i så fald, at Shepard er indoktrineret efter han bliver ramt af Harbringers beam, så må det rigtige valg være at ødelægge the Reapers (valget til højre). Men så ærger det mig, at der ikke er nogen ordentlig slutning, når Shepard efterfølgende overlever? For så har han jo blot formået at undvige indoktrineringen, men mangler at gøre det af med Reaperne?
Niveau 4
Indlæg: 305

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Elgar » 14. mar 2012 12:39

Det giver jo mulighed for DLC. Who would've thought?

Ved ikke rigtig hvad jeg skal sige. Jeg er uhyggelig skuffet. 99% af spillet synes jeg var fantastisk, men slutningen... Meh.
Ich habe fertig.
Niveau 4
Indlæg: 313

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Mr. Aggiz » 14. mar 2012 14:37

Elgar skrev:Det giver jo mulighed for DLC. Who would've thought?

Ved ikke rigtig hvad jeg skal sige. Jeg er uhyggelig skuffet. 99% af spillet synes jeg var fantastisk, men slutningen... Meh.

Har det på samme måde.

Tror også Bioware kan vente sig en shitstorm af brok, hvis de udgiver den videre slutning senere i DLC. Men hvis de gør, så ville jeg alligevel ikke kunne lade være med at købe den og tror andre har det på samme måde.

Jo mere jeg læser om alle de her teorier så virker det virkelig til at Bioware har gennemtænkt slutningen.
Mr. Aggiz
Niveau 6
Indlæg: 1878
By: Århus

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Dirty Harry » 14. mar 2012 15:00

Enten er Bioware geniale og vi er snotdumme, da vi ikke forstår slutningen eller også forstår Bioware ikke sit publikum.
Dirty Harry
Niveau 7
Indlæg: 2433

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Sevuz » 14. mar 2012 16:27

Dirty Harry skrev:Enten er Bioware geniale og vi er snotdumme, da vi ikke forstår slutningen eller også forstår Bioware ikke sit publikum.

Tror du har fat i noget.

Jeg sad skam også selv og tænkte LÆNGE over slutning på ME3 (gøre jeg stadig siden jeg sidder her og skriver i denne post).

Men den "shitstorm" der har ramt bioware fra fans (over 12.000 pt.) er sku lidt vild :lol:

Hvis man ikke har fattede det endnu, så er det jo bare sole klart at der står "ME4 in your face" på disse slutninger.
Senest rettet af Sevuz 15. mar 2012 08:29, rettet i alt 1 gang.
Niveau 2
Indlæg: 109

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Mike.B » 14. mar 2012 16:47

Det som jeg måske er mest ærgelig over er at alle de valg man har gjort sig igennem disse 3 spil bare nærmest er tilsidesat for disse slutninger. Men igen jeg håber virkelig at der er en eller anden logik hos Bioware som os andre dødelige bare ikke kan se endnu og at der kommer noget i form af DLC eller forhåbentlig bare en forklaring på hvorfor de har valgt af ende en SÅ populær franchise som Shepard på en så definitiv måde.
Niveau 7
Indlæg: 2270

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Elgar » 15. mar 2012 02:28

Jeg er desuden helt med på indoctrination teorien, hvor jeg tror at den røde slutning er måden at bryde fri af indoktrineringen eller i hvert fald kæmpe imod. Som skrevet i en af de lange posts, så gør spillet en del for at få Shepards oprindelige mål, det at destruere The Reapers, til at virke som et renegade valg, hvilket kunne være en måde at guide Shepard hen mod de to andre.

Den Blå: Her har vi controlling the reapers, en idé som The Illusive man sjovt nok var helt tosset med og hvad var han? Den gamle tosse var såmænd indoktrineret.

Den grønne: En slags sammensmeltning af Synthetics og Organics. Virker umiddelbart sympatisk, men kan i huske Saren, som sjovt nok også var indoktrineret, og hans speeches i ME1: "My way is the only way any of us can survive. I'm forging an alliance between us and the reapers, between organics and machines and in doing so I will save more lives than have ever existed" og "The relationship is symbiotic. Organic and machine intertwined, a union of flesh and steel. The strengths of both, the weaknesses of neither. I am a vision of the future, Shepard. The evolution of all organic life. This is our destiny. Join Sovereign and experience a true rebirth."
Ich habe fertig.
Niveau 4
Indlæg: 313

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Mr. Aggiz » 15. mar 2012 02:40

Jo mere jeg efterhånden har læst om teorien bag slutning på Mass Effect, jo mere imponeret bliver jeg egentlig over historien. Til at starte med, da rulleteksterne begyndte at køre var jeg dybt skuffet, over historiens slutning (ikke spillets gameplay), men nu er jeg blot imponeret over Bioware's formåen i at få os til virkelig at gennemtænke slutningen. Som Casey Hudson udtalte efter alle klagerne, så er det her virkelig en slutning, man ikke kommer til at glemme.

Casey Hudson skrev:I didn’t want the game to be forgettable, and even right down to the sort of polarizing reaction that the ends have had with people – debating what the endings mean and what’s going to happen next, and what situation are the characters left in.

That to me is part of what’s exciting about this story. There has always been a little bit of mystery there and a little bit of interpretation, and it’s a story that people can talk about after the fact.
Mr. Aggiz
Niveau 6
Indlæg: 1878
By: Århus

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Ink129 » 15. mar 2012 03:07

Jeg håber virkelig, at indoktrineringsteorien er sand. Jo mere jeg har tænkt over slutningen, som den er nu, des mindre bryder jeg mig om den. Der er så meget, der ikke hænger sammen. Denne artikel sammenfatter det utrolig godt: ... are-right/
Whenever you are feeling blue, jaded and down on your luck, just remember: even the Pope poops!
Niveau 6
Indlæg: 1306

Re: ME3 slutningen *SPOILERS*

Indlægaf Elgar » 15. mar 2012 03:37

Ink129 skrev:Jeg håber virkelig, at indoktrineringsteorien er sand. Jo mere jeg har tænkt over slutningen, som den er nu, des mindre bryder jeg mig om den. Der er så meget, der ikke hænger sammen. Denne artikel sammenfatter det utrolig godt: ... are-right/

Helt og aldeles enig. Fremragende artikel.
Ich habe fertig.
Niveau 4
Indlæg: 313


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